Wednesday, October 6, 2010

God , send someone to love me .

beware . im not the girl i used to be before . :)
" if people only care about you because of what you do for them , it's time to start looking for someone who are prepared to give as well as take. =) "
i got this from someone ,
Kakak Nor Atikah .
yeahh . maybe it is true .
i need someone to love me as much love i had gave to that someone . :)

just put it aside .
aku da serikk .
buat mase nyh biarlah aku macam nyh .
tade gune sape yg na godagoda aku buat mase nyh .
anda TAKAN dilayan .
i pick YOU , and you dont need to pick ME as yours . :D

sehari tidak menulis terasa laen .
haddoii , menulis nyh suda macam tabiat pulaa .
im kinda busy latelyy . (*lately ? semalam je punn , bhaii . hoho . )
HAHA . semalam kepenatan .
exam LOL . :)
hari nyh juga tapi tidaklahh sepenat semalam .
ini pun online sematamata utk mencari bahan pembelajaran .
erhhh . *innocent face . korang taperlu tao ape yg aku cari tadi . :D :D

gtg now .
im perfectly fine , people .
better and better .
pray for my health and exam yea ?
love youu . and YOU . :)

*rindu same syukri . hurmm , where'd you go ? :(


Lukachikito Syak said...

bhaii mcm aku la kan. pasangan bahagia. wahh.. haha. hehe.. hoho...

Cikpuan sya said...

haha . :) aku jelouse tao . :D


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